Missional Services Provider
Our Services
- A2A Marketplace Prayer Network
- Prayer for the Unreached
- Church Presentations
- Placed with Purpose (PWP) Conference
- PWP Workshops and Roundtables
- Training Courses: - Repurposing Business (REP) - Scatter Coaching Global Career Launch Program - Love Your Neighbour (LYN) - Kairos and Interface
- Living on Purpose Cohorts
- Cross cultural and Workplace preparation
- The Biscuit Trail
-A2A Exposure Trips
- Pastoral Care and Debriefing Services - A2A Business Support Community
Invitees: Followers of Jesus in the marketplace in jobs both locally and globally...
Collaboration between CPC Missions Hub and Africa2Africa Connections...
Do you feel called by God to go into the nations with your job & skills and be Placed...

A2A was birthed out of a passion to see African believers placed with purpose amongst the unreached of Africa and beyond.
We are an African initiative started in Cape Town and are part of a global move of God mobilising belivers in the marketplace.
Partner with us or discover more.